Q. What are the things to look out for while buying a Naga Shawl Online from North East India?

Ans: The following are the things to look out for while buying a Naga Shawl Online from North East India:
- Features/Design/Colour
- Size.
- Authenticity/Material.
The primary difference between Naga Shawls and other Shawls like Manipuri Shawls or Mizo Shawls is that, only Naga Shawls have been designed both for Men and Women and are unisex, however other community shawls are mostly for women.
There are 2 basic types of Wool used for making Naga Shawls: (i) Matt wool and (ii) smooth wool. The (i) Matt wool are hard wool and are very readily available. However, (ii) Smooth wool are slightly rare, as they are extracted from a rare worm. Hence, all smooth wool Naga Shawls are premium quality materials.
Naga Shawls are very beautiful and colourful. It comes in various colours from Red (originally the primary colour of Naga Tribe) to Blue, Green, Dark Yellow, Maroon etc. These colours represent different feelings in the Tribal Culture. These colours are so unique that the wools used for making these Naga Shawls are dyed separately before they are woven to produce the final output of the Shawl.
Naga Shawls have various designs. However, most of it comes with patterns of Bows and Arrows embroidered on it. This is due to the reason these symbols signify Heritage, Culture and Tradition of Naga tribes of North East India. These designs are very beautiful and the primary colour patterns for these shawls are always Red-Black-White.
The primary difference between Naga Shawls and other Shawls like Manipuri Shawls or Mizo Shawls is that, only Naga Shawls have been designed both for Men and Women and are unisex, however other community shawls are mostly for women.
Naga Shawls generally comes in 3 Sizes – Small, Medium, & Large. However, there is one extra Large size which is rare.
Naga Shawl – Small Size: Generally small size Naga Shawl has a length of approximately 90 feet and a breadth of 40 feet, 80*40’ feet. This is generally made for Women
Naga Shawl – Medium Size: These sizes range from approximately 95 feet in length and 45 in breadth, i.e 95*45’ feet. This is a Unisex shawl and both men and women can wore it.
Naga Shawl – Large Size: These are Large shawls. Their size ranges from approximately 100 feet in length to 50 feet in breadth, i.e. 100*50’ feet. These shawls are mostly prefered by Men
Concl: Hence a Naga Shawl is unique, beautiful and not only provides warmth, but also looks, textures and feel.
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