What is the History of Jhola Bag?
Jhola Bags/ Cloth Bags/ Sling Bags/ Wollen Bags etc are known by different names. Over time they have become popular due to its eco-friendliness, durability ease to use, light in weight and trendy designs. Also currently Jhola Bags are purchased widely online.
However, these Jhola Bags/Cloth Bags/Sling Bags were not very common few decades back. This is due to the reason that Leather is seen as a better material for Bags, as it has a shine and tough durability. Also Leather Bags doesnot need frequent washing.
Jhola Bags/ Cloth Bags/ Sling Bags/ Wollen Bags dates back to ancient and medieval times. Even though Leather was even older than cloth, it was mostly used for covering human body which was extracted from Animal skin after consumtion of meat.

Both Cloth and Leather were invented in the Stone Age when Human Beings were evolving. The primary need at that time was to protect themselves from winter. So Animal skins became the primary item to protect themselves from chilly winters. Overtime silk and cotton were invented.
Then came the secondary needs of transportation and logistics. It was usually difficult to carry a lot of load with two hands. However, a packed cloth can encompass a lot of items and belongings. Hence came the need for Bags. Cloth bag became very popular during 500 BC as stitching and making a Cloth Jhola/Bag is much easier and faster than stitching a Leather material. The lightness and easefullness of making a Jhola/cloth bag made the item quite popular during those days.
Cloth is mostly preferred in Summer seasons and Tropical areas due to high temperatures. Whereas Leather Items are worn in Cold and Polar areas. Similarly Jhola or Cloth Bags have always been preferred in Humid areas. This is due to its lightness in weight, washability, and comfort.
Cultures on Jhola Bags
- India: In 15th and 16th Century, India has always been one of the Oldest civilizations. With so much diversity and accumulation of different cultures, traditions, languages, etc, there comes a wide variety of materials, designs and style of cloth as well as bags.
Handembrodery, craftsmanship has always been the strength of Indian Art and Designs. Ancient weavers always used to design for Kings and Queens and get handsomely rewarded by the Kings. There were also instances where the designers used to be punished incase of any flaws or defect (even if very less) in their creation. - Greece: Greece is another Old Civilization apart from India. It is believed that Western civilization started from Greece. Notable thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, etc always used to travel and gain insight from different people located inside and outside of Greece. They used to carry scrolls and notes inside their cloth bags. After gathering all the knowledge, they used to write on scrolls and lock it inside cylindrical cabinets. All these cabinets were kept inside the cloth bags which makes it easy to be carried around and travelled.
- Mauryan Dynasty: Founded by Chandragupta Maurya, the Mauryan dynasty was one of the richest cultural heritage of Prehistoric ancient India. Teaching and Learning was higly revered during those days. The students always used to carry leaf scrolls with feather writers to note down information so that they can be remembered. These scrolls are easily carried inside cloth bags. Even soldiers and warriors travelling over long distance used to carry supplies and other basic necessities like food, weapons, etc inside cloth bags.

Conclusion: The fabric of Human Settlement was interwoven with Cloth and Materials. Jhola Bags formed a major portion of that movement and settlement of Human Civilization.
Apart from the above civilizations, there are instances of Jhola Bags in various ancient civilizations like: The Incan Civilization, The Aztec Civilization, Roman Civilization, Persian Civilization, The Maya Civilization, The Ancient Egyptian Civilization, The Indus Valley Civilization, The Mesopotamian Civilization.
How to Purchase Jhola Bags Online from North East India?
North East India has always been rich in embroidery, craftsmen and designs. The best thing about North East Indian Jhola Bags Online are that they are very well designed, colourful and durable made of Quality Wool.
They are also known as canvas jhola bags for men and women (unisex) as they are durable, longlasting and very trendy.
The best place to buy Jhola Bags Online from North East India is through Handicrafts by Paharizones.
Visit: https://handicrafts.paharizones.com